Long Covid, ME/CFS with Fibro and Trans-Walking to Target through Pain, Politics, and Healing

A Journey of Resilience: Walking to Target through Pain, Politics, and Healing In the midst of a world grappling with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, I embarked on a journey that would mark a turning point in my life—a walk to the pharmacy and Target. You see, I'm an older transgender woman who has been battling … Continue reading Long Covid, ME/CFS with Fibro and Trans-Walking to Target through Pain, Politics, and Healing

SOTU – Human ?

I know its a tiresome topic, politics, but bare with me here. Regarding House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ‘s human moment during the SOTU address. I say this as a women that used to be a privileged white male. I am now trans. Meaning that I never knew how good I had it until it was … Continue reading SOTU – Human ?


Most transgender people have experienced massive amounts of euphoric joy in the coming out phase of transition. That feeling that brings about much confidence as you admit to yourself and to the world and shout out as loud as you can “I’m a female trapped in a man’s (or vice versa) body and I’m going … Continue reading THE “NOW” OF BEING TRANSGENDER while living with CPTSD

How I Intend to stay sober and positive during the holidays while in survival mode

Things in general in my life right now probably can't be considered amazing. My step mom might be on her death bed. The complications from cancer are mounting and she has a belly full of diseased cells. She's not quite 80 yet. My father is sad, I'm sad, and if it kills me, I intend … Continue reading How I Intend to stay sober and positive during the holidays while in survival mode

On rock and roll, anxiety, secret queer thoughts, and drug withdrawl

It was 1998 on a normally bright and sunny Sunday afternoon. Summertime in Southern California and I am sitting in the emergency room of Kaiser Permanente Hospital on Sunset Blvd, I had been there an hour or more, sitting between snotty crying babies and people of all cultures from the neighborhood. It felt pretty ghetto … Continue reading On rock and roll, anxiety, secret queer thoughts, and drug withdrawl